The First of Many Blogs on a Sparkly New Site

So it’s a big hello, welcome and thank you if you have taken a look through the pages of this sparkly new site. This truly is a day of firsts – my first ever website and my first attempt at a blog.

Both site and blog are a long time in the making as, to be honest, I have put off venturing into the world of websites for as long as I possibly could. I have been producing house portraits since the nineties, and nowadays I sit in a shed on a regular basis (a nice shed I hasten to add!), creating my commissioned paintings and card designs, chugging away in my own little world and for quite some time I have believed that websites were for successful, established and truly talented artists, and I would need to “earn my stripes” before achieving anything as lofty as a website.

DB House Portraits on the Road

In 2018 and 2019, in a world before the pandemic, I fought down the dreaded “imposter syndrome” and took DB House Portraits on the road a little bit, attending arts and craft events, makers markets, country shows, spring fairs, winter/Christmas fairs – you name it, I tried to get there. I would drive to these various events with my paintings carefully placed in a big box, wondering where I had found the courage to apply yet alone turn up, and I can tell you this – practically everyone I met at those events asked me if I had a website. It didn’t seem to matter that I had business cards and leaflets on the table with contact details aplenty, a website was clearly the golden chalice. So a small seed was planted by the end of 2019 and I began to consider the prospect of going online.

Period buildings - DB House Portraits

I Took the Plunge

It still took several months before I contacted the lovely (and very patient) Pippa of Pippa’s Web, and another 6 months before I took the plunge to ask her to create this site for me. Some may call it cautious and a lack of confidence, some may call it procrastination, but I firmly believe that everything happens in its own time so finally, here we are, and the timing is just about perfect for one reason and another.

I truly hope you enjoy looking at the pages and information, and it goes without saying that if there is still anything you are unsure of then please do contact me and I will be happy to answer any questions.

Thank you and have a lovely weekend x

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